May 13, 2020

Joël Kapusta receives MetSoc's Airey Award and the CIM Fellowship Award

  • News

Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), May 13, 2020 – BBA’s Joël Kapusta, Director, Technology – Pyrometallurgy, recently received two prestigious industry awards: the Airey Award from the Metallurgy and Materials Society (MetSoc) and the Fellowship Award from the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), which is an honour for all our team members.

  1. Dr. Kapusta joined BBA in 2010 and now, has over 30 years of experience in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy. Since joining BBA, he has led a team of experienced process engineers, providing consulting services in operational excellence, process optimization and technology implementation.

    Dr. Kapusta was awarded MetSoc’s Airey Award for his outstanding achievements in Canada in the field of submerged bath injection processes. He was also the president of MetSoc, one of the four societies and five divisions of the CIM, from 2007–2008, and chair of the board from 2008–2009. His ongoing involvement and remarkable contribution to the profession were also highlighted by his joining the CIM fellowship, a coveted circle of the greatest leaders in the mining, metallurgy and petroleum industries.

    Again, we are proud to have Joël Kapusta as part of our team. Congratulations to our colleague who is working to promote our firm across the network of engineering professionals and to advance industry practices; these awards are well deserved.

    MetSoc Airey Award

    The Airey Award is seen as the most prestigious award in the Canadian metallurgy and materials industry. It is awarded to members for their outstanding contribution to developing this sector for over 15 years. It specifically acknowledges the development of processes and products that represent significant advances and technological leadership.

    To learn more about this award and read the article presenting the winner’s biography, Dr. Joël Kapusta:

    CIM Fellowship Award

    The CIM Fellowship award was established by CIM Council in November 1986. This award recognizes members who have made particularly outstanding contributions to the mining, metallurgy and petroleum industries.

About BBA

BBA has been providing a wide range of consulting engineering services for over 40 years. Today, its engineering, environmental and commissioning experts team up to quickly and accurately pinpoint the needs of industrial and institutional clients. The firm’s expertise is recognized in the Energy and Natural Resources industry. With 20 offices in Canada and internationally (USA and Chile), offering clients local support and field presence, BBA provides some of the industry’s most innovative, sustainable and reliable engineering solutions.

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