Permitting and social licensing

As social and financial pressure for environmental protection intensifies, public authorities are being urged to introduce more stringent regulatory measures. A collective awareness has developed, requiring more in-depth project studies. In fact, the environmental component and social acceptability, which were previously considered purely administrative issues, have become essential to any strategy aimed at ensuring industrial project success.

Permitting and social licensing

  1. Your challenges

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      Get your approvals and comply with regulations

      Today, all development projects require regulatory approvals, which are granted with government authority supervision. To achieve your objectives, you need to incorporate this reality into your strategic thinking and not be satisfied with a simple technical description of your project.

      By properly planning environmental and social studies, you’ll have a better understanding of potential effects on the environment and neighbouring communities. You can then optimize your project to limit its repercussions from the outset, compensate for any impacts and make it easier to obtain required approvals. It’s important to properly structure your strategic process activities from the initial development stages.

      Foster your project’s social licensing

      Even if your project has received all the necessary government approvals, the public’s opinion remains an inescapable decision criterion for regulators, whether the arguments put forward are based on facts or not.

      An open, transparent and inclusive attitude will help you build trust with communities. By understanding their expectations and concerns, you can prepare mitigation measures, right from the planning stage, to promote your project’s acceptability and long-term development.

  2. Our approach

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      Our goal: to optimize and demonstrate the value of your project

      To speed up the process and ensure your project is successful, our team defines and coordinates action plans that reflect your legal obligations and the concerns of local communities. Our experts can also develop technical solutions to mitigate potential impacts on the receiving environment.

      We’ll work with you to prepare a detailed roadmap to guide you through this strategic process. Our goal is to optimize the social, environmental and economic value of your project to accelerate its approval by regulators and acceptability among communities.

      Extensive knowledge of key laws and relationships

      In addition to having experts with extensive knowledge of legislation and regulations, BBA has developed close relationships with various industry stakeholders and several Indigenous communities. We can help you navigate the critical steps involved in project permitting and acceptability.

  3. Solutions we offer
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