Mar 16, 2020

COVID-19: message from ou president

  • News

Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), March 16, 2020

We are aware that the progression of the COVID-19 virus is currently raising many questions and even concerns. BBA is taking the situation very seriously, is closely monitoring its development and has implemented a business continuity plan. First and foremost, our priority is to protect the health of our employees, ensure operational continuity and play our role as a good corporate citizen by helping lower the spread of the virus among the public.

  1. Keeping our employees and those of our clients safe is our top priority. That is why we have set up a team under my leadership to track the progress of the virus and adapt our operations accordingly. We have implemented a series of preventive measures in the last few days, including improving hygiene measures in our offices, stopping all non-essential business travel and encouraging the use of available technological tools as well as telecommuting to lower risks of contagion.

    Despite this situation’s exceptional nature, we will continue to offer clients the best service quality. Our teams have implemented a contingency plan that will ensure current mandates progress within expected deadlines. As for our employees who must travel to client offices or sites, we are committed to following the strictest rules, whether our own or those of our clients, to the letter.

    If you have any questions about our prevention and business continuity plan, please contact us.

    Stay alert for everyone’s safety.

    André Allaire


About BBA

BBA has been providing a wide range of consulting engineering services for over 40 years. Today, its engineering, environmental and commissioning experts team up to quickly and accurately pinpoint the needs of industrial and institutional clients. The firm’s expertise is recognized in the Energy and Natural Resources industry. With 20 offices in Canada and internationally (USA and Chile), offering clients local support and field presence, BBA provides some of the industry’s most innovative, sustainable and reliable engineering solutions.

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