oct 22, 2019

BBA is among Canada's Best Employers in 2019 for an 8th year!

  • Noticias

Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), October 22, 2019 – BBA is proud to be ranked once again among Canada’s Best Employers, recognizing strong employee commitment to the firm.

  1. “BBA is once again a Best Employer thanks to the ideas its employees provide each year by filling out the survey,” explains André Allaire, President of BBA. “It’s not just a question of getting the title; the results of this survey are proof that our employees want to be actively involved in developing our firm, as shown in this year’s participation rate, which was 95%. The information that’s collected is precious because it helps us provide our team members with a great work environment.”

    With over 950 employees from coast to coast, including more than 150 people in Western Canada and almost 70 people in Central Canada, BBA continues to grow by applying a vision that goes beyond engineering. As such, the firm now offers consulting services in environment and commissioning. At BBA, experts from all disciplines unite to quickly and accurately pinpoint the needs of Canadian industrial and institutional clients.

Sobre BBA

BBA ha brindado una amplia gama de servicios de consultoría de ingeniería durante más de 40 años. Los expertos y expertas en ingeniería, medio ambiente y comisionamiento se unen para identificar de forma rápida y precisa las necesidades de los clientes industriales e institucionales. La experiencia de la empresa es reconocida en las industrias de energía y recursos naturales. Con 20 oficinas en Canadá y en el extranjero (Chile y Estados Unidos), BBA ofrece a los clientes apoyo local y presencia en terreno y brinda algunas de las soluciones de ingeniería y servicios de asesoría estratégica más innovadoras, sostenibles y confiables de la industria.
