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18 jun 2024Minería y metalurgiaThe Québec mining sector: a new regulatory requirement as of May 2024
Andréanne Séguin
Senior Advisor, Social Acceptability
28 may 2024Minería y metalurgiaNoise control at mining sites: an essential step toward harmonious production
01 may 2024Minería y metalurgiaGeochemistry – Part II: Predicting metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD) chemistry
Todd McCracken, P.Geo
Department Manager, Mining and Geology
15 abr 2024Minería y metalurgiaGeochemistry – Part I: What is metal leaching and acid rock drainage (ML/ARD), and how does it occur?
Todd McCracken, P.Geo
Department Manager, Mining and Geology
04 mar 2024Otras IndustriasOptimizing solutions for air quality and acoustics in industrial settings
02 jun 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesAcoustic measurements: the effects of weather on sound propagation
Annabelle Paré
Engineer, Environnemental Engineering
27 abr 2023Energía eléctrica y renovablesPreserving biodiversity: an attainable challenge for industry
28 nov 2022Energía eléctrica y renovablesReverse osmosis: a reliable technology
18 oct 2022Minería y metalurgiaUsing 3D laser scanning in project life cycles
Kristian Leach, C.Tech.
Principal Designer, Civil