oct 23, 2020

Natural Resources Canada Canada selects BBA to strengthen the CyberSecurity of Canada's Critical Energy Infrastructures

  • Noticias
  1. BBA is proud to announce that it was recently awarded a major mandate under the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program (CCEIP). In accordance with this program, BBA established a methodology for assessing cyber risks for industrial control systems.

    BBA takes this responsibility seriously, as the issue is highly strategic and critical. It is becoming paramount to strengthen the security of Canada’s energy systems. Over the past few years, ways of working with and managing operational equipment have greatly evolved, and we now need to adapt and increase the degree of awareness and knowledge of all players in light of the new challenges and risks this creates. In fact, potential issues are evolving and likely to disrupt daily life.

    Various energy sector stakeholders will be able to use BBA’s guides to better identify potentially threatening situations, prevent them and deal with them proactively, where necessary. This supports Natural Resources Canada’s commitment to improving the cyber security and resilience of domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure in support of Canada’s National Cyber Security Strategy.

    “We’re proud that BBA was chosen for its expertise in the field of industrial cybersecurity, for the excellence of its experts and for its ability to innovate in a changing world. It’s important today to become collectively more risk conscious, and we are excited to be able to leverage the results of our efforts and cutting-edge knowledge. The security of our energy infrastructure is central to our work in this project,” states André Allaire, President.

    “Industrial cyber risks are real, and we need to prioritize setting up mechanisms to protect industrial facility control systems,” added José Alvarado, Cybersecurity expert at BBA.

    “This important technology will protect the Canadian energy sector from cyber threats. This is how we ensure a secure and resilient sector,” said the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources.

    This project BBA’s cybersecurity experts carried out, i.e., the methodology for assessing cyber risks for industrial control systems, is now available on the BBA website.

Sobre BBA

BBA ha brindado una amplia gama de servicios de consultoría de ingeniería durante más de 40 años. Los expertos y expertas en ingeniería, medio ambiente y comisionamiento se unen para identificar de forma rápida y precisa las necesidades de los clientes industriales e institucionales. La experiencia de la empresa es reconocida en las industrias de energía y recursos naturales. Con 20 oficinas en Canadá y en el extranjero (Chile y Estados Unidos), BBA ofrece a los clientes apoyo local y presencia en terreno y brinda algunas de las soluciones de ingeniería y servicios de asesoría estratégica más innovadoras, sostenibles y confiables de la industria.

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