01 Oct 2024 Mining and Metals Solving structural vibration issues A structure subjected to vibrational stresses can exhibit unexpected behaviour and may suffer rapid damage. For instance, some members far from the source of vibration may begin to vibrate significantly, a phenomenon known as resonance. When the vibration frequency of an external influence approaches the resonant frequency of the system under study—determined by the system's properties—it can lead to substantial displacements and even catastrophic structural failure.
27 Aug 2015 Mining and Metals Underground stope drill and blast designs optimization program Daniel Roy, P.Eng. Senior Consulting Expert, Drill and Blast Applications
09 Jan 2015 Mining and Metals Tonnage control under maximum and instantaneous power constraints Serge Naud, P.Eng. Engineer, Process Control
09 May 2014 Mining and Metals Potential economic and operational benefits and impacts of trolley assist in open pit mining Isabelle Leblanc, P.Eng. Vice-President, Mining and Metals Market