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Environmental planning and supervision to install an open-trench gas pipeline in the river

Gaz Métro (Énergir) had to relocate a gas pipeline buried in the Yamaska River in Saint-Hyacinthe, downstream from the Bouchard Bridge. The ministère des Transports had to rebuild the bridge urgently because of its ageing state and structural problems. Because of technical constraints, the new pipeline had to be placed in an open trench under the riverbed using a work enclosure made of cement blocks, geosynthetic liners and floating turbidity curtains. Ensuring environmental performance was a crucial challenge for this major project.
- Region Eastern Canada
- Client Gaz Métro
Our experts' solutions
Thanks to its Biofilia division, specialized in environmental consulting, BBA was able to offer the client a comprehensive solution. First, members of the division carried out studies of the receiving environment, environmental assessments and authorization applications. They also developed a quick, efficient and economical river crossing technique for the client. Afterward, Biofilia supervised the quality control and environmental compliance aspects of the construction work. Finally, this BBA division coordinated the riverbed redevelopment, fish habitat restoration and shoreline stabilization, which included rip rap and bioengineering. More specifically, during the mandate, Biofilia performed:
- Studies of the receiving environment:
- Aquatic and riparian vegetation assessments
- Characterization of fish habitat
- Topographic and bathymetric surveys
- Hydraulic analysis and modelling - Environmental assessment and coordination of provincial authorization applications
- Detailed engineering and construction specifications
- Environmental monitoring and supervision during construction and riverbed redevelopment
- Studies of the receiving environment:
This mandate had numerous constraints, including extremely tight deadlines, which we skillfully managed thanks to teamwork, our complementary expertise and the experience we’ve accumulated working on projects carried out in sensitive environments.
Vincent Clément, Director of Environment, BBA -
95 m pipeline section built in an aquatic environment in just six months, including planning, permit application, construction and commissioning.
100% Gaz Métro (Énergir) distributes nearly 100% of the gas consumed in Québec
10,000 km Underground system covering 10,000 km
200,000 Underground system serving 200,000 clients