Old Crow Solar Energy project wins at prestigious FIDIC Project Awards 2021
Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), September 23, 2021 – BBA and members of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation were honoured at the International FIDIC Project Awards virtual gala on September 15, which celebrates high-quality construction and infrastructure projects from around the world. We are proud to announce that the Sree Vyah (Old Crow Solar Project) won one of 14 International awards of merit.
“This project demonstrates that it’s possible to integrate renewable energy in an innovative way that respects the traditional values of Indigenous communities,” explains André Allaire, BBA President. “Including Indigenous knowledge in our projects is crucial in our journey toward sustainability.”
BBA is proud to have contributed to this project, which concretely demonstrates how we can successfully balance economic and environmental imperatives through ingenuity and innovation. “We want to thank Chief Dana Tizya-Tramm and all the community members for trusting BBA to provide engineering services in support of this community-led clean energy initiative.” says Nick Hawley, Department Manager, Mechanical, and project manager.
Click here to watch the video presentation of the Sree Vyah (Old Crow Solar Project).
The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) is the global representative body for national associations of consulting engineers and represents over one million engineering professionals and 40,000 firms in more than 100 countries worldwide.
About BBA
BBA has been providing a wide range of consulting engineering services for over 40 years. Today, its engineering, environmental and commissioning experts team up to quickly and accurately pinpoint the needs of industrial and institutional clients. The firm’s expertise is recognized in the Energy and Natural Resources industry. With 20 offices in Canada and internationally (USA and Chile), offering clients local support and field presence, BBA provides some of the industry’s most innovative, sustainable and reliable engineering solutions.
Roseline Simard
Director - Marketing and Communications
+1 450 464-2111 | roseline.simard@bba.ca