Canada's Best Employers for 2021: ranking among the winners has special meaning this year
Mont-Saint-Hilaire (Québec), February 10, 2021 – BBA is proud to rank among Canada’s Best Employers for the tenth time, a recognition that has special meaning in the current context. In fact, for BBA, 2020 was supposed to be an opportunity to celebrate the firm’s 40th anniversary and highlight its successes from coast to coast. However, fate would dictate otherwise, as celebrations quickly gave way to a concerted effort by all team members to react with agility and ingenuity to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The pandemic quickly forced our teams to reorganize and reinvent their methods at great speed, so they could adapt to new realities, like telecommuting,” explains Renée-Claude Turgeon – Executive Director, Human Resources. “Our firm also set up initiatives to keep our employees connected and to ensure their well-being, and it really is this strong culture of working together that’s helped us through this crisis. We’re so proud to see how committed our employees have been during these difficult times!”
Within this context, BBA’s ranking among Canada’s Best Employers for 2021 is a testament to the strength of its culture and its exceptionally talented employees.
About the Best Employers Program
The Best Employers Program, now managed by Kincentric, a division of Spencer Stuart, measures and recognizes leading employers across Canada and worldwide. It is based on more than 15 years of experience in Best Employers studies around the world, backed by over 20 years of employee research and on a worldwide employee engagement database. It focuses on the measures that lead to sustainable business results—engagement, leadership, performance culture and employer branding—and uses the most objective measure possible: employee opinion.
About BBA
BBA has been providing a wide range of consulting engineering services for over 40 years. Today, its engineering, environmental and commissioning experts team up to quickly and accurately pinpoint the needs of industrial and institutional clients. The firm’s expertise is recognized in the Energy and Natural Resources industry. With 20 offices in Canada and internationally (USA and Chile), offering clients local support and field presence, BBA provides some of the industry’s most innovative, sustainable and reliable engineering solutions.
Roseline Simard
Director - Marketing and Communications
+1 450 464-2111 |