Reducing exposure to silica dust

  • Proyecto
  • silica dust
  • dust control
  • dust collection system
  • laser scanning
  • 3D modeling
Project Page Hero Silica dust

The client wanted to assess the condition of the existing dust collection system at its ore crushing and handling facilities and then design solutions that would reduce silica concentrations to acceptable levels. The goal was to provide workers with a reduced level of respiratory protection that would enable them to work without a mask. Numerous constraints challenged the work to perform in the client’s existing operating facilities.

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  • Cliente Confidential
  1. Our experts' solutions

    The BBA team developed a detailed action plan for the plant to reduce silica dust exposure. This study included a thorough cost estimate so the client could make informed decisions about short- and long-term mitigation measures.

    In an effort to minimize the impact of their work on plant operations, BBA experts used laser scanning and 3D modelling to identify installation constraints. In addition to extreme winter conditions, they also solved a number of related issues, such as managing collected dust, compensating air and selecting dust collection technology.

  1. Controlling and managing inhalable silica dust is both a legal obligation and one of the most complex challenges in mining. BBA’s global approach identified solutions that lead to quick gains and final solutions. The overall action plan made it possible to communicate intentions and progress to stakeholders.
    François Lachance, Mechanical Engineer, BBA
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